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오픽 AL 만 준비한다는 세련된 영어 표현! 예상문제/스크립트 모음집-이것만 달달 외우면 통과!

오픽을 내 친구로 만들자! 필수적으로 염두해야할 사항이다. 

1. filler word (if you )
2. 예시 (for example, let’s say)
3. 마지막 (질문 재반복 : that’s how I feel about ~ that’s how my music has been changed)

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토종 한국인이 아닌 native 에 가까워지고 싶다면?
단순한 질의응답이 아닌 ’대화‘ 를 하고 싶다면?

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1. Tell me you started to like reading books

  • When I was in Canada, there was NO friend to spend time with and if I have a problem in my daily life, I had no answer. For example, I have an anxiety problem. I am worried about so many little things. but I couldn’t discuss everything with my parents in korean. They don’t relate to me like language problems, housing troubles.
  • So I started to look for books to solve my problem in my daily life. Not just getting knowledge, by reading I feel I am talking to friends who actually relate to me.


2. What about now? Has your taste changed?

If you ask me when I was much younger, From literature to IT professional books

  • It has been changed more diverse, but particularly in IT Professional
  • Since my job is making Technical product like android or iOS app, web I need really more professional knowledge, information like fintech in business-wise or user-experiences-wise and digital marketing strategy.
  • At my workplace, what I can do is saving my background information by reading in my brain
  • In a nutshell, it helped me to create and report benchmarking references for boss when I need them.
  • This is how my music tastes have shifted over the years


3. How do you decide which books to read?

I subscribed book influencers like winter bookstore ‘she is one of the 1st generation of youtuber in korea’

  • saved her recommendations in my phone
  • what I most like about her is she sentimental and logical when she explains why she likes the books with reasonable explanations
  • In my spare time, I go to the big book store or second-hand bookstore to see if there are her recommendation and read a few pages, if I like it, I pick them up
    • I don’t think I would pick the books just because they are best-sellers.
    • If the book title hooks me, that’s a green flag
    • But I should read to see if this actually makes sense to me
    • then I can gladly open my wallet
  • If the books are very helpful and knowledgeable at my workplace or personal growth, I decide to make a purchase.


3.1 Best book

‘A note from the IT service planners’ it’s about a collection of the product managers stories, how to deal with the colleagues or people at work.

  • The reason why I chose is that
    • I was so demotivated lately because of a trouble with my boss. For example, I have a belief that I need to set up KPI or OKR of my work with customer-centric mindset but she is the one whoh emphasize deadline. And I feel the quality of my work is getting worse. My career is getting behind. She is not capable.
    • Have you heard ‘Sunday scaries’? When the sunday comes, I am not able to get sleep because going to work on monday is so annoying and so awful for me.
  • But the book helped me to get over it. And the advices from the book is accepting it as it is.
  • People are having the same experiences with me and their experiences are encouraging me.


4. Shopping pattern (Taste change, Decision-making)

I do not have regular shopping pattern but I love going to lotte department store in jamsil on my own. Customers are mostly foreigner, the biggest one in south korea.

  • the department is nearby 석촌 lake and lotte amusement park. I can walk along the lake and If I have enough time, I go inside the department and browse luxury brand.
  • Particulary, I had a special experienes of Gucci brand. When I visited Gucci brand, the staffs were really sweet she walked me through every gucci items like bags, clothes. Literally they made me a kinda princess. Their compliments were so smooth and unforgettable.
  • It’s sorta self-care for me.
  • Okay, let’s get back to the subject. My decision making process is to browsing accessories and clothes and I take picture and save in my phone, but if the staff are nice enough to open wallets, I gladly picked them up
  • Their behaviors and manners are so important to me

5. Product complaint

To begin with, I am using the review system with the details

  • For example, I ordered the phone case, if it’s broken, I take a picture and upload on the review system with the description.
  • I want the sellers to absorb tough feedback to grow themselves and learn what the customers pain-points and what they might be looking for in terms of quality, design and prices as well
  • Some people say this is harsh but I don’t agree with that. These reviews are good for future enhancements.
  • This is how I complain about the product, If I don’t satisfy

6. Self introduction

  • First of all, when it comes to Opic or any other english, I was very confident that I can speak english fluently and there’s no reason that i need to prove it, also I graduated from the community college in toronto. However, I am aiming for global experiences which requires verified certificates. And I believe that Opic test can prove my oral communication.
  • And my job! I am a product manager of the software. If you don’t have knowledge about the technology or the job, I can explain with layman terms. My job is very similiar to building a house except I design software. Reseaching - Plan - Design - Implement - Test, During the whole process, I am deeply involved in each stage.
    • Also, the reason why I am a good fit for this position, because I am very familiar with startup enviroment, agile methodologies which is one of the software development process.
      • you could associate my position with kakao, naver. I admire them so much
  • Stress management
    • Lately what’s on my mind, I define the stress with proper words 'problem'
    • for example, the direction from my boss doesn’t make sense, I feel like she is a dumbass and not capable enough to carry out these tasks. And I decided to move on and look for another jobs. To solve the root causes, I wanna get rid of 
  • This is who I am. Hope you understand me enough. 



7. I would like to know where you live. Describe your house in detail. What does it look like? How many rooms do you have?


I live in a studio, one-room

  • It’s located in jayang-dong nearby han river, which is the whole point of why I chose this neighborhood. Hopefully, I wish I had an apartment with the huge window view and fancy house appliances.
  • Nevertheless, I love my studio so much because I have control and love having me time on my own, it was very hard to get solitude. my parents do not nag me, there are home appliances and interior thing with my own tastes. I can focus on myself without anyone


8. I would like to know where you live. Which is your favorite room at home? What does it look like? What do you mostly do there?


It’s very small but modern interior like grayscale built-in closet, refrigerator furnitures. The wallpaper is white and there is a desk and chair like cafeteria

  • How can I describe my studio with one word? It’s black and white mid-century style for the hipsters these day! I got inspired from the seongsu neighborhood.
  • very popular interior style for korea
  • blogging, digging music, studying my professions, since the deskterior is so aesthetic
  • it makes me feel I am a designer and i wanna work more


9. Please tell me about your living room. What things are in your living room? Name the things you see in your living room.

I would describe the living room in daejeon, which is my parents’ house

  • Since I live in a studio, there is no particular living room
  • In daejeon, there are very old home products like sofa, fan for summer, (it’s time to put away! prolly my mom already did that), large TV.
  • In front of a TV, our family loves watching drama together, it’s really great time in a day to stay together and enhance relationship as a family


10. Can you tell me about the household appliances in you house? What is your favorite one among them? Why do you like it most?

My favorite thing is imac and few aesthetic photo frame

  • the photo frames are on the wall, it has bold and vivid color like pink and blue
  • Another one is really cool sea photography, since I am into photography and ocean, if I stare them it brings me somewhere else.
  • Those are important when I am working. I can find joy in this workspace, feels like I can make career success.

11. Tell me about the house or apartment you lived in when you were a child. How was it different from the one you live in now? What are the similarities and differences?

Actually in Daejeon, I used to live in apartment which had a strong sense of community. There was a friend of mine in my neighborhood and we used to hang out with her all the time and play a roller coaster.

  • One of our favorite memories is playing tagging game with her and my younger brother and my father, we were having really playful memories.
  • Unlike childhood, we moved to the next city which was sejong, when I turnt into a university student.
    • Sejong city was very clean and it was such a new city. There are many government employees and the apartment was full of public servant, I didn’t feel enough strong relationship maybe I was grown up person, my family and neighbors didn’t seem to stick together like having a gathering. This is the differences.
    • But in terms of similiarities, there were many amendities, infrastructures like gym, securities, underground parking lot. Even there was a study room and library

12. Tell me about a change you made to your home. What was the change and why did you make that change? How did your home look afterwards? Give me all the details.

As I told you I used to live in toronto, let me tell you my cell in the dormitory. It was very outdated. I didn’t wanna spend even 5 min in my cell. I decided to get a modern color blanket and bedding items, and I got a london photo on the wall so that my room got a human touch. Before that, it was very empty hospital room.

  • Finally, it became cozy and comfortable. I spent most of the time in my cell..


13. Please tell me about an experience of moving into a new house. Did anything interesting or unexpected happen while you were moving?

Let me tell you my domitory experiences in toronto. The domitory was for international students and native students.

  • My neighbor was addict like marihuana and alcohol, I couldn’t sleep at all just because he was high and wasted all the time. As an International student, I needed to go to part time job. His attitude was so unbearable.
  • Back then, I also had emotional stress because I had a trouble with people who were native. I didn’t fit in like my voice was unheard, they were not friendly in a sneaky way like team project didn’t go well very much.
  • In order to solve this problem, I went to phychiatrist for the sake of my mental wellness. She told me that event switching is normally painful like moving into a new house. I became more settled with her.
  • This is how I went through moving experiences.


14. Talk about the problems people have when they rent a house or an apartment. Why do those problems occur and how do people solve those problems?

It helps me to explore creative possibilities

  • The problems that I went through was paying for the furniture damage when i rent a room or house. This can be happened due to accidental behaviors. As a tenant, I need to take pictures or document the condition of furniture that I was provided with as soon as I move in. That could be the prevention or solution when a trouble happens
  • And when I move out the landlord will check them out before and after,
  • no matter what I happen, it’s my responsibility


15. What are the causes of the housing shortage your community? Tell me some issues that people talk about related to the housing shortage.

first of all, I would clarify housing shortage is very serious and complicated particulary in seoul, south korea is very small country

  • in the google map, the size of its peninular is like tips of thumb
  • So, I wouldnt say just one reason creates the problem, The housing demand is very high and but getting loan from bank is very hard right now. So demand and supply don’t match at all.
  • But people around me are getting interested in money management more than ever. Whether retirement is right around the corner or still far on the horizon, thinking about it now is always a good idea.
    • lastly i can summarize housing shortage is emerging from high interest rates, economic recession
  • Housing subcription system 
    • we enter a draw and you need win the competition (slim to none)


16. Now, tell me about the problems that happen at your home. What are those problems? Why do they occur? How do people deal with those problems? How do you personally deal with those problems?

let me tell you the experiences of sharing room with international roommies in toronto.

  • Roommates are really difficult people you don’t know like where they are coming from or how old or young, how clean they care about, what level of noise they can handle or how
  • And also landlord were so bossy. She was okay with everything she had ever done but she never accepted us
  • She wanted us to do in her way without any explanation. I found myself so furious about her selfish attitude.
  • So me and my roomies had been trying to make middle ground and set a rule so that we could stay at home without any arguing.




17.  What’s your favorite singers? What makes her special?

But when I was in Toronto, I was so so lonely because I don’t have any friends, Korean friends or Canadian friends and there’s nobody to talk to with. Since I am into R&B singers like summer walker or her, sole

  • I feel like I made new friends because they are their lyrics are really conversation and feels like they are talking to me. that’s how I feel about them
  • If I had a long day it made me really chill and relaxed. That’s why I made them so special.


18. Who did you like music artists? How it has been changed?

Oh, when I was so young, I was so into rap music and hip-hop because I was very furious about my world.
Going to school! which was mandatory even if I hated going school. 
you know, but when I get older, like I am becoming more into R&B and jazz, jazz music is very gentle. Yk, music is a kind of great tool to change your mood. Finally I’ve changed my personality too so finally I my personality is becoming gentle and tender from I used to be. yeah this is how my music taste has been changed

19. What’s your favorite park? And why?

Riding a bicycle and looking back myself at my workplace : and I keep thinking and asking myself

  • like Have I done something wrong to my colleagues? Is there any better way to achieve career goal? Am I really doing my best on what really matters to me
  • Having a starbucks coffee, around seoul forest, there are so many cool coffee shop and pop-store
  • it’s really close to my house like 30-minute away from seongsu station
  • In order to boost up energy for the monday, during the weekend i go to park. Except bad weathers, this is not negotiable.
  • Yeah, this is why I love going to park


20. What is your favorite genre of movies? Why do you like those types of movies?

- Molly, Moneyball, big shorts I am incredibly intrigued by economics and financial money flow

  • What I’ve learned from this kind genre, since I was unemployed due to layoff issues, I can learn how this happen to me? and this story is not far from my daily life
  • how the money flows in and out and how individual deals with financial crisis from country-scale causes.
  • So to speak, by getting money information i can be money-savvy person, that’s why I am gravitated to economic movies


21. Who is your favorite movie actor or actress? Tell me a specific story about something this actor did that you heard about in the news. Begins the story with some details about the actor or actress and then tell me all the detail of what happened.

I would say my favorite actress is Jessica Chastain who were starred in intersteller, Molly’s game on netflix

  • She has a red hair with a smart and lovely personality out of the media
  • I came across her few interviews like graham norton show or british talk
  • So Why am I into her? What’s incredible about her?
    • I was into being an actress a few years ago. I was looking for any tips to remember how I can remember lines or script very well.
    • Intersteller, Molly’s games is very hard script with economic terms and too long lines to remember who is written by aaron sorkin
    • And her respect for him is very solid
    • Her advice about the lines was keeping on a rhythm

22. I'd like you to tell me about one of the most memorable movies you've seen. What is the story about? Who was the main actor or actress? How did the movie affect you?


  • Molly’s game, Poker game
  1. Making money is so hard, Losing money is so easy.
    • What I’ve learned from here is Diversifying money into multiple portfolio like stocks or real estate.
  2. I had Low motivation for my work, In order to fuel my passion, I was looking for the side hustle and also create another money pipeline, which helped me to get out of my bed, it inspired to think of how to get over financial anxiety and money-trauma


23. Who do you usually go to the movies with? Are there any special reasons that you watch movies with this person?

  • I am such a Loner, because I dont energy to schedule gatherings or make new friends
  • I just hope people stop telling me to make any new friends
    • My boss told me to go out and meet people, but going out on my own is very comfortable for me
  • Actually I can make my own way. There’s no boring time for me. Because if I go to movie theater, there’s a bookstore inside. After I’ve watched the movie, I look around the books.


24. Have you ever been hindered by someone or something while you were watching a movie? How exactly did this person bother you? Tell me about the situation in detail.

- 압구정 movie is the smallest one and it plays very artistic movie, you need to focus on the movie very carefully. Me and my colleagues used to like going to movie theater 

  • There are always people who speak out loud, talk too much while watching a movie.
  • The biggest thing which bugs me is screen lighting
    • I had an experiences
    • It was a small movie theater which located in 압구정
    • There’s was a guy who were holding his phones without dark mode, turning off screen lightness.
    • After we watched the movie, Me and my friends were really upset about him
    • You were supposed to turn off the phone before. It was not good etiquette.
    • He told us that it was not mandatory, are you guys polices?
    • It was very unpleasant experiences. That’s how it ended.

25. Tell me about the movie theaters you typically go to. What are they like? describe a movie theater you often go to in as much detail as possible.

  • My passion project that I pursue is going to 왕십리 cgv. Those are the must-visit in south korea cos they are the biggest movie theater in seoul.
    • Snack bar is huge : pop-corns, side dishes,hotdogs, goods
    • Gold movie space is for vip, the price is more expensive than the regular
    • Imax which is very good for watching interstellar, mad max like action-based movie. That’s the who
      • Watching movies at imax was something that I had strived for, cos it actually feels like I am in the movie with the large movie screen.
    • I highly recommend!
      • You would really love watching a movie on your own especially during the night
        • because nobody was there in movie theater. You could own this
      • There so many people out there! Keep in mind!

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